মোঃ জাকারিয়া সিনিয়র সায়েন্টিফিক অফিসার ও বিভাগীয় প্রধান ভূতাত্ত্বিক ওশানোগ্রাফি বিভাগ ইমেইল: zakaria@bori.gov.bd অফিস ফোনঃ +৮৮০৩৪১৫২৫৫২ মোবাইল: +৮৮০১৯১৭০১৯৮৩৮ He is doing research on geological oceanography field focused on Sedimentology, relative tectonics and basin analysis in the Bay of Bengal area. In the early career, he was involved in the GIS & Remote Sensing, Statistical modeling in geology field. Now he is working on geological oceanography where he is doing research on Sedimentology, tectonics and coastal geomorphological study. He has exclusive project development and management career in the scientific field. He visited different country for the purpose of oceanography training, institutional collaboration and development in India, Malaysia and China. He is very young, energetic and motivated to do extensive field work, research and innovation in the field of geological oceanography. |
মূল দক্ষতাসমূহঃ
বর্তমান পদবীঃ
2018 – Present: Senior Scientific Officer and Divisional Head of Geological Oceanography Division in Bangladesh Oceanographic Research
Institute (BORI) under Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.
পূর্ববর্তী কর্ম অভিজ্ঞতা:
2014–2017: Scientific Officer at National Oceanographic Research Establishment (1st Phase) Project (NORIP) under Ministry of Science and
Technology, Bangladesh
2013-2014: GIS Analyst in Agricultural Statistics Division of Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) under Food for Progress (FFP) project
2012-2013: GIS Specialist in Agricultural Statistics Division of Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI), Ministry of Agriculture
শিক্ষকতা যোগ্যতা:
2009-2010: Master’s of Science (M.S) in Geological Sciences, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh.
2006-2009: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc), Honours in Geological Sciences, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh.
বর্তমান গবেষণা ক্ষেত্র:
প্রশিক্ষণ ও কর্মশালা:
বৈজ্ঞানিক প্রবন্ধ: