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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ৫ ডিসেম্বর ২০২১

২০১৯-২০ অর্থ বছরের গবেষণা প্রকল্প সমূহ

Division Name

Research Title

Research Output

ফিজিক্যাল ও স্পেস ওশানোগ্রাফি

Spatial and temporal variations of surface Chlorophyll and nutrient in the coastal area of kutubdia Island

  • Prepare Chlorophyll concentration map for thecoastal area of Kutubdia Island
  • Prepare nutrients (NO2, NO3, NH4, SiO2, PO4) concentration map for thecoastal area of Kutubdia Island
  • Collect the baseline data of physico-chemical parameters (SST, Salinity, TSS, TDS, pH, Secchi disk depth) for the coastal area of Kutubdia Island
Beach profiling along the coast of Cox’s Bazar
  • Beachline profile has been surveyed in the Cox’s Bazar to Rejukhal Area.
  • The profile has been taken for four seasons
  • Change of profile curve showed in graph and results

জিওলজিক্যাল ওশানোগ্রাফি

Determination of Sedimentological & Mineralogical Distribution to delineate sedimentary process of the Nearshore Area of Maheshkhali-Kutubdia, Bangladesh

  • Specific instrument name Gravity Corer, Chemicals, and minor equipments have been collected
  • Marine based survey cannot be done because of COVID-19 pandemic
  • Remaining survey will be done in 2020-21 FY

Delineation of Tectonic Activity effect on Relative Sea Level Fluctuation on the basis of Subsidence, Upliftment and Compaction rate of the Eastern Coastal Belt of Bangladesh

  • Bathymetry of the coastal marine area of Cox’s Bazar has been mapped
  • Surface geological map produced
  • Relative tectonic map produced based on geomorphological analysis
  • Historical tidal data of 8 coastal tide gauge has been collected from BIWTA for sea level trend analysis
  • GNSS data of two stations (Khulna & Chottagram) has been collected for direct tectonic movement calculation
  • Sea level fluctuation calculation based on tide data is under processing 



A Study on Nutritional Status and Culture of Green Mussel (Pernaviridis) at Rezukhal Estuary 

  • Measured the pH level in the Eastern Coastal sea water of Bangladesh
  • Classified coral and bivalve (marine invertebrate) on the basis of acidification/pH level of the area

বায়োলজিক্যাল ওশানোগ্রাফি

Potential Nutritional Evaluation of 20 seaweeds, experimental extraction of phycocolloids from 6 seaweeds available around St. Martin’s island and continuation of taxonomic base line study.

  • Samples were collected from January to March. 
  • Continuation of taxonomic base line study, a total of 28 samples collected but no new samples were collected by Navy team.
  • Physicochemical parameters analysis done
  • As Experimental extraction of Phycocolloids from 6 seaweeds, 2 target samples were collected but very sufficient in quantity by the Navy divers but Covid-19 situation hindered the analytical process
  • As Potential Nutritional Evaluation of 20 seaweeds, Only 3 target samples were collected but very sufficient in quantity by the Navy divers but Covid-19 situation hindered the analytical process
  • Navy diving team was engaged for sampling, the team was very unfamiliar with seaweeds and again a new set of divers were engaged every month. So it was very difficult for them to find target samples specimens.
  • Some essential analytical and related equipment are still required in deed for the study.

এনভায়রনমেন্টাল ওশানোগ্রাফি ও ক্লাইমেট 

Occurrence and characteristics of macro, meso and microplastics in the coastal area of Cox’s Bazar

  • Assessment of pollution status & heavy metal based on the analyses of data of physico-chemical properties.
  • Determined the presence and quantity of micro-plastic in the Saint Martin Island area
  • Identified the main sources and categories of micro-plastics entering the Bay of Bengal.
  • Mapping the Micro-plastic polluted areas of Saint Martin Island.

Determination of Marine Pollution by Assessing Seasonal Seawater Quality Monitoring and Marine Organisms in the Coastal Area of Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

  • The ranges for the physico-chemical parameters of recreational beach water (RBW) in January, February, March and May 2020 were 22.01 to 25.7°C, 25.15 to 26.98°C, 25.91 to 29.94°C and 30.2 to 35.32°C for temperature, 30. 57 to 32.72, 32.16 to 33.58, 33.25 to 33.62 and 32.76 to 33.71 ppt for salinity, 8.11 to 8.38, 8.17 to 8.42, 8.10 to 8.43 and 8.05 to 8.20 for pH, 45615 to 48810, 38025 to 52015, 40345 to 49214 and 39260 to 49110 mg/L for TDS and 6.22 to 7.85, 5.83 to 6.95, 5.26 to 6.34 and 3.95 to 5.43 mg/L for DO respectively.
  • The ranges of BOD5 in January, February, March and May 2020 were 18.23 to 24 mg/L, 18.9 to 26.45 mg/L, 17.45 to 25.43 mg/L and 13 to 23.5 mg/L respectively.
  • The maximum DO were observed in January and February 2020 due to exist in the strong north-east wind and well-mixing in beach water and minimum DO was observed in May 2020.
  • The values of BOD5 and TDS in St.11 (Kolatoli Beach), St. 13 (Sugondha Beach), St. 14 (Labony Beach), St. 16 (Naziratek Beach) and St. 02 (Inani Beach) were crossed the limit of tolerance level of the norms [20 mg/L for BOD5 and 30000 to 40000 mg/L for TDS].
  • The RBW quality of Kolatoli, Sugondha, Laboni and Inani are slightly polluted.
  • The ranges for the physico-chemical parameters of the Moheshkhali Channel water (MCW) in January, February and March 2020 were 21.01 to 21.7°C, 21.37 to 22.77°C and 24.91 to 28.94°C for temperature, 30. 2 to 32.82, 30.26 to 33.12 and 32.25 to 33.42 ppt for salinity, 7.69 to 8.05, 7.78 to 8.10 and 7.56 to 8.09 for pH, 41150 to 43815, 41027 to 4601 and 40345 to 42215 mg/L for TDS, 0.05 to 0.24, 0.02 to 0.55 and 0.043 to 0.52 mg/L for TSS and 4.22 to 6.81, 3.27 to 6.26 and 4.21 to 5.44 mg/L for DO respectively.
  • The Channel water reveals polyhaline estuary in winter season.
  • The lowest DO and highest BOD5 was also found in 06 No Ghat (Jetty Ghat) due to presence of contaminated water
  • The values of BOD5 and TDS in Badarkhali Jetty Ghat and 06 No Ghat (Jetty Ghat) were crossed the limit of tolerance level of the norms
  • The water quality of 06 No Ghat (Jetty Ghat) is highly polluted, Badarkhali Jetty Ghat is polluted and mid-Channel water is slightly polluted. 

ওশানোগ্রাফিক ডাটা সেন্টার

Statistical Analysis and Future Prospecting of Non-conventional Marine Fisheries Resources in the Cox’s Bazar District of Bangladesh

  • Historical data of Non-conventional marine fisheries & algae production of the Cox’s Bazar area has been collected
  • present production status of Non-conventional marine fisheries & algae production is measured
  • Present status of income based on non-conventional species and stations of Cox’s Bazar has been calculated